The Trilogy is the invitation to dance with our three powerful unique blends. Cacao Tokorangi, which is the way shower and opener of all things next, the Feminine Wāhine which supports the feminine energy on every level and the Masculine Tāne blend which support masculine qualities. Each are for everyone, and support in different ways as life unfolds in front of you. To dance with these three blends, we encourage following your intuition in which one for each days resonates with your needs. These blends have been divined by Chelita Zainey and carry the support and vision of Daen Scott Rua Pick and Olivia Millar, alonside the Cacao Ambassadors mastery in crafting cacao and deep listening to what Cacao and the Rongoā of Aotearoa is asking..
2.7kgs The Trilogy - Rongoā Māori infused!